Tuesday 9 June 2009

It is All About Respect

Recently Dr. Ket-Sang Tai shared with me some thoughts on Permission Marketing:

Permission Marketing
Sun, Jun 7, 2009
Lifestyle, Web 2.0 Marketing

Recently I am getting a lot of emails from people who have subscribed to my training email list offering me their opportunities. The bigger my list gets, the more such emails I receive. Sometime I do get very annoyed by that. These people submitted their details for information about marketing and then they turn around and offer me their business opportunities. I am wondering if they are doing the same thing to other people. They assume that after I have sent them one email, they have the right to send me anything they like.

You know what… these people need to learn proper marketing. If you are doing the same thing, I suggest you read this article by Seth Godin on permission marketing.

Marketing has changed a lot in the past 5-10 years. Everyday we are bombarded by advertisements in the form of TV ads, radio ads, magazine ads, cold calling and leaflets through the doors. As a result, these forms of marketing is becoming less effective. This is where permission marketing comes in. It is all about respect. If you don’t have permission, people will not listen to you anyway, so what is the point?

You need to have permission from others to offer your products or business opportunities to them. An opt in list is a good example of permission marketing. People fill in their names and details in order to receive more information.

I think this is an important concept to learn. Seth Godin has also written a book on this. You can get 4 free chapters here.

ps: picture from Seth Godin’s website

To Your Success,

Ket-Sang Tai

By the way, I am also very much in Network & Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and I will share with you some lessons on MLM in my next posting. Meanwhile, Please check out these websites:




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